Cross Hill Casual Dining Restaurants
Local Businesses: 4
Depot Diner 612 North Main Street
Cross Hill, SC 29332
Diner Restaurants
King's Cafe 171 North Main Street
Cross Hill, SC 29332
Cafe Restaurants
Lee's Barbecue Cross Hill, SC 29332
And Catering Service, Trays, Served With Texas Toast, Meat Tray, Chicken Tenders…
Dine In Or Take Out!
Restaurants/Food & Dining, Chinese Restaurants, Barbecue Restaurants
The Country Cafe 12439 Highway 39
Cross Hill, SC 29332-4422
Cafe Restaurants, Country Cooking Restaurants
Browse Categories in Cross Hill, SC
Cross Hill, SC
- Restaurants/Food & Dining (7)
- Casual Dining Restaurants (4)
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